Spoiler alert… These cats are pretty awesome, which is why anyone currently considering purchasing a kitten or adopting a rescue cat should seriously consider making one of these blue eye beauties their own! But that said, there are many different cat breeds out there, and while we here at IndulgeYourPet will freely admit that the [...]
If you love cats and like to be a “bit” different, there is a good chance that an American Curl cat might be the “right” cat breed for you. The American Curl cagenerateste is a unique-looking animal with a lovely disposition, making it an ideal pet for just about any individual or family. But… Like [...]
Here at IndulgeYourPet, we’ve found that there are generally two “camps” of thought regarding owning a “terrier.” Some folks will tell you that “terriers” are the most incredible dogs in the world, while others are usually afraid of owning one! It is probably a good thing because this “fear” ensures that only those “true” terrier [...]
Now, for those who are a big fan of the Siamese cat breed but sometimes wish they weren’t always so “skinny” or had such a narrow face, we might have a cat that could be just right for you because the Snowshoe cat breed is a breed that was created by mixing a Siamese cat [...]
The first thing you’ll notice about the Brussels Griffon is that he is adorable. So, sweet, you’ll probably not want to be “exposed” to a Brussels Griffon puppy if they are for sale because there’s a perfect chance that you’ll be adding one to your family if that’s the case. You see, this petite Belgian [...]
The Abyssinian, or Aby as it is commonly referred to, is arguably one of the oldest and most popular pedigreed cats in the world (as confirmed by the Cat Fanciers Association), but that doesn’t change the fact that most Americans have no idea what an Abyssinian cat is and why they should want to own [...]
Regarding cats with a bobbed tail, folks generally fall into one of two camps. First, you either love the “look” of a bobbed tail cat or think it’s “weird” and not your thing! Now, if the latter describes you, it’s fair to say that an American Bobtail probably isn’t the “best” cat breed for you. [...]
Are you looking for the ideal dog food for your furry friend? Taste of Wild is a premium dog food brand that has been on the market. This brand is a subsidiary of Diamond Pet Foods and aims to meet all your pet’s nutritional needs without using any filler nutrients. But is this dog food [...]
Are you looking for the best dog food for your puppy? Puppies need more calories than adult dogs do as they’re in their growing stage. They also need high-quality ingredients, nutrients, and just the right amount. There are a lot of puppy formulas available on the market. While some are amazing, others may not be. [...]