One thing you can say about an Ibizan Hound is that once you’ve seen one, you’ll never forget what it looks like. In our opinion, this is one of the “best” characteristics of these guys. Because let’s face it, if you have an opportunity to adopt a great dog that happens to be a “show [...]

Suppose you’re researching Bull Terriers. In that case, you’re either thinking about purchasing a Bull Terrier puppy or adopting an adult Bull Terrier from a Bull Terrier rescue center (which we believe is a great idea!) This is why… We here at IndulgeYourPet have chosen to write this article so that any “prospective” new owners [...]

First, you will want to know that all Poo dogs” are Poodle mixes, which makes the Pekeapoo a Pekingese and Toy or Miniature Poodle Mix. But how does that breed turn out? What are some of their common characteristics, physical and personality-wise? Those are some essential things you need to know before you buy one [...]

OK, now there are many reasons a person will choose to adopt a dog. For some, it could be because they’re looking for a good watchdog, while others are simply looking for a companion animal that will be there to greet them at the end of a long day. Now, whatever your reason for choosing [...]

Are you thinking about adopting a new dog? Why not get one that can help you lose a ton of weight? Because if you decide to adopt a Harrier, there’s a good chance that is exactly what will happen! You see, the Harrier dog breed is one of the most active and energetic dogs out [...]

The Greyhound is one of those dog breeds that is pretty easily recognizable by most folks. And, unlike most other “types” of dogs, even the most casual of dogs, “aficionados,” can tell you that the Greyhound dog breed is known for its speed. But what most folks won’t be able to tell you about is [...]

If you’ve ever seen a Swedish Lapphund, you know this is one adorable pup. His face is soft and gentle, but his spirit is strong and alert. And hey… let’s face it, that’s a great combo for a dog, as you probably know. Which is probably… Why do a lot of folks like to make [...]

Aw….so tiny and so cute! That’s the Pom, or the Pomeranian, one of the cutest dog breeds in the world. Poms may be small but brilliant, curious, and sometimes slightly “manipulative.” Yes, these cute little guys can be manipulative… The little one knows just how cute he is and knows he can get away with [...]

If you don’t think you can say Xoloitzcuintli (and we don’t blame you), all you have to say is Mexican Hairless Dog. Now that we got that out of the way, there’s much more to learn about this fantastic 3,000-year-old dog from the Ancient Aztecs. But… Will this dog be the right one for your [...]

There’s nothing quite like a Silken Windhound in full flow. This supremely athletic dog breed is a medium-sized version of the majestic Borzoi. With their long, flowing coat, graceful movements, and gentle mannerisms, they genuinely captivate the eye. However, don’t be deceived by their reserved demeanor, as at their core; they are true sighthounds. Like [...]