Sebaceous adenitis in dogs is one of those conditions that, unless you’re familiar with dogs or, more specifically, certain dog breeds, chances are you’ve never actually heard of this disease before. This is because Sebaceous Adenitis is an immune-mediated hereditary disease. An immune-medicated illness that causes the sebaceous glands, which produce a fatty serum (a waxy matter that waterproofs and lubricates the hair and skin in mammals), to become inflamed.
Now, for those of us…
You might not have known what sebaceous glands were before they started researchingdisease, you’llbut you’llcited to learn that they are associated with one’s hair follicles. They help keep a dog’s skin supple and the hair soft and luscious. Unfortunately, the sebaceous gland will eventually be destroyed by this disorder. The good news is that in most cases, this skin disorder will only progress to a point where it is simply a “cosmetic” issue and not something more severe.
Symptoms of sebaceous adenitis (SA)
When a dog is afflicted with sebaceous adenitis (SA), it will have what appears to be a whitish-looking skin scaling. This scaling will cause the hair to get a waxy feel t andbecome easily matted. The hair will then appear to be ‘moth-eaten,’ meaning that if the dog is not bald (alopecia), the fur will be dull and sparse and lose any curl. Typically, the spinal area, not necessarily including the tail, will be afflicted first, and the SA will continue down and backward. From there, there will be the spreading of hair loss the, skin scaling, and other associated lesions; at the same time, follicular casts are distributed along the spinal region.
It should be noted that…
Itchiness is not a primary part of sebaceous adenitis. Still, once the affected skin incurs secondary infections, which are caused by yeast and bacteria (pyoderma), the itching will occur, and it will become intense. AYourdog’s skin may also give off a musky odor. at this time
Non-dermatological symptoms…
Associated with SA are rare; it has been seen in the Akita, a severely affected breed. It has been reported to cause a fever and malaise in Anita’sAnhen they are afflicted with SA.
In most other dogs…
With cases of sebaceous adenitis, the disease has only been confined to the skin. That said, however, depending on the “type” of hair that the affected dog has, physical symptoms may vary but will generally be as follows:
Long-Haired Dogs
The signs in long-haired dogs include:
- Spots of hair loss appear symmetrical on both sides of the dog’s torso.
- Brittle, dull coat.
- White scaling of the skin that doesn’t easily flake off.
- Skin lesions start at the top of the head and continue along the spine.
- Anita’s can have severe cases, which may lead to the development of deep skin infections.
Short-Haired Dogs
The signs in short-haired dogs include:
- Hair loss is patchy; the moth-eaten appearance
- Mild scaling of the skin
- Skin lesions appearing on the head, flaps of the ears, and torso of the body
- Afflicted dogs have the possibility of developing scarring on their skin.
Most Commonly Affected Breeds
Standard poodles are the ultimate sebaceous adenitis patient. This is because the standard poodle has a definite genetic recessive trait for the condition, which is prevalent throughout the breed.
That said, however…
The granular form of SA has been found in other different breeds, which include:
- Akita’s,
- Old English sheepdog,
- and the Samoyed.
There is also a breed called Vizsla w, which is afflicted with the short-haired form of SA disease. Other species which have been diagnosed with SA include, but are not limited to the:
- Bernese Mountain dog,
- Cockapoo,
- English Springer Spaniel,
- German Shepherd,
- Goldendoodle,
- And the Welsh Corgi.
Diagnosis of Sebaceous Adenitis is dogs.
To definitively diagnose SA in your afflicted dog, your veterinarian will need to perform a skin biopsy ($500-$900). From there, the pathologist will then find areas of the sebaceous glands with not only infection but also inflammation and scarring.
These biopsies…
WIt willalso reveal granulomatous or pyogranulomatous inflammation around the sebaceous glands. When the dog has an advanced or severe cabaceous adenitis, the sebaceous gland will becompletely dieTreatment of Sebaceous Adenitis in Dogs
Unfortunately, there has been no cure for SA. Clinical signs can come and go free of any treatment that has been introduced. The good news is that some recent studies show more inclination toward some medicines, but nothing definitive has been found yet.
Specialists working with severe cases of SA have found that cyclosporine, which acts as a suppressor of inflammation, has allowed some patients to regrow some of the sebaceous glands, which is undoubtedly a step in the right direction.
Now s,ome treatments that…
Seem to have had variable efficiency have included antibiotics ($10-$50 per occurrence) w, sed to treat an associated bacterial infection, nd medications used to interfere with the immune system attacking the sebaceous glands. Anita’s sebaceous adenitis has been uncooperative with any treatments. However, since there is no cure for the primary diagnosis of sebaceous adenitis, treatment has fallen to managing the secondary symptoms associated with the disease.
Your veterinarian…
It will most likely require you to frequently wash your dog (keratolytic shampoo $20-$30, emollient rinses $10-$20) and recommend an antimicrobial ($25-$35) be administered. Oil baths and oil sprays are also a possible treatment, with the oil left on the dog’s skin for up to 2 hours as a topical therapy. Your veterinarian may also recommend giving your dog specific supplements such as fatty acids. Treatments may also be used to soothe the skin and remove the flakes and scales from your dog’s skin.
Prevention of Sebaceous Adenitis in dogs
The only way to prevent sebaceous adenitis in dogs is not to allow dogs with this disorder to breed. Since sebaceous adenitis is hereditary, breeding allows for the transmission of this disease. This is why you should only work with a reputable breeder, and be sure to do your homework about what particular dog you wish to adopt in the future so that you’ll know what questions you should be asking!
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