As a general rule of thumb, it’s pretty safe to say that having the word “sarcoma” inserted into a descriptive paragraph about someone we love isn’t what we want to hear. And this holds when talking about a hemangiosarcoma. But let’s face it, in life, people and pets will face challenges, which is why we [...]

Hemivertebra is one of those medical conditions you’re not likely to think about until you have a litter of puppies and notice that one doesn’t look like the rest. From there, chances are you’re going first to try and “self-diagnose” the issue, which will usually lead you to the offices of a professional. In our [...]

Probably one of the first things you’ll notice about a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is just how BIG he is. Because, let’s face it, these guys are massive. They’re one of the most giant dog breeds in the world! This is one reason why these guys were so popular back when they were first created. [...]

It’s hard to imagine anyone who isn’t already familiar with what a Chihuahua looks like! After all, their tiny size and “unbelievable” cuteness tend to be attention grabbers wherever they may be. But… We here at IndulgeYourPet feel it’s a pretty safe bet to assume that while many folks may know what a Chihuahua looks [...]

The Sealyham Terrier is often described as a “clown among terriers.” He is funny, charming, and always up to something. He is so tiny, but don’t tell him that – he thinks he is a big dog! Faithful and friendly The Sealy, as he is also called, is one of the friendliest of all Scottish [...]

The Goldendoodle is probably one of the better-known examples of what many folks are now commonly referring to as “designer dogs” or “hybrid dogs.” This is because “technically” these types of dogs are not considered a “true” dog breed, while at the same time, it just doesn’t seem “appropriate” to believe them “mutts” either. Goldendoodles [...]

Oh, look at that little thing peeping at you… With his large, round eyes through his bushy eyebrows. He can see a miracle with all the hair on his face: such a beautiful creature, the Skye Terrier. The first thing you’ll notice about this little guy is his gorgeous long, smooth, glossy, and somewhat shiny [...]

Graceful; Beautiful; Classy; Elegant It’s easy to run out of adjectives when describing the Samoyed Dog Breed, one of the most beautiful dogs you will ever see. His pristine white coat and regal mannerisms make him stand out in a crowd. The Samoyed is from Siberia in Russia, one of the coldest parts of the [...]

Portosystemic Shunt in dogs is usually a hereditary condition, which nowadays, selective breeding has made it reasonably uncommon. However, it does still happen, and when it does, you and your poor loved one aren’t going to care that this is now considered a relatively “uncommon” condition. After all… When a dog does suffer from this [...]

Now, if you’ve never heard of a Glen of Imaal Terrier, we can’t fault you all that much, considering these guys are one of the “lesser known” terriers from Ireland mainly because these guys are often compared/confused with a wide variety of other dog breeds with similar characteristics. Species include the Soft-Coated Wheaten, Entlebucher Mountain [...]