He is a BIG fellow! The Rottweiler Dog breed is a massive one if you think about it. Plus, on top of their sheer size, they also quite muscular and can be compared to a bouncer at a nightclub. Now… Whether he turns out to be a monster of a dog or a gentle giant [...]

If you’re reading this article within the United States and you’ve never traveled abroad to the Middle East or Israel, it would be understandable why you may not be familiar with this particular dog breed. That said however… There is a reason why this dog breed has survived for thousands of years and why they [...]

The Polish Lowland Sheepdog or PON (which some folks call them) looks like an emoji dog. With long hair flopping in its eyes, this guy may not be the most popular breed in the American Kennel Club, but he’s still one of the cutest, in our humble opinion. But is it cute enough to bring [...]

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a good-looking beast, and he knows it. Large, powerful, supremely athletic, blessed with incredible stamina. This is a Lord among Dogs. But what’s even more impressive is that the Rhodesian Ridgeback is not only big and strong but also intelligent. He is a brilliant dog who is very good at identifying [...]

The Redbone Coonhound Dog Breed has looks that could kill. But let us assure you that these guys are much more than a handsome package. These guys are marvelous physical specimens, blessed with supremely athletic attributes that allow them to excel at almost all dog sports. Plus… He is a truly American breed, developed in [...]

“An aza-what?” Azawakh! That’s a question you’ll likely get if you ever own an Azawakh. And be ready for it because this is not the “type” of dog you’re going to be able to visit the dog park with and not get asked a million questions! And then once folks meet you’re Azawakh and finally [...]

Known as “the Scottie Dog”… These little dogs have a well-earned reputation for being a hard-working, “scrappy” dog breed that isn’t afraid of anything (think Wizard of Oz and the wicked witch!) They’re also a brilliant dog breed who will quickly become a loyal family member soon after being adopted and brought into the home. [...]

There are hundreds of pet food companies to choose from on the market. It is very confusing when you enter your local supermarket to buy pet food and are intimidated by all the pet food companies and products on the shelves. It’s hard to make the right and healthy choice! So, doing your research before [...]

The American Eskimo Dog aka the “Eskie” is right up there with being one of the cutest little dogs you’ll ever see, but don’t let their looks or name fool you because neither of which says much about what the breed is all about. To get a better idea… About the true nature of the [...]

The Dachshund dog breed is one of those iconic dog breeds that few, if any, Americans over two can’t easily recognize! And while many folks will only be able to “refer” to them as a “wiener dog”,”” those who have had the pleasure of owning one of these awesome critters will surely tell you, dDachshund’s [...]