The Pyrenean Shepherd Dog Breed hails from the Pyrenees Mountains of France. He is a smart-looking dog with a lot going for him, including being cheerful, active, and always eager to please. He is alert and watchful and makes for an excellent watchdog. This dog breed can be a perfect companion to active singles or couples. He’s [...]

The Puggle is what you call a Hybrid Dog or Mixed-Breed Dog. He is a mix between the adorable Pug and the Beagle. Two dog breeds with a reputation for creating cute puppies are prevalent worldwide, so it’s no surprise that the Puggle is also popular. That, combined with the… These guys are amiable dogs, [...]

Here’s a great dog that doesn’t always get the credit he deserves here in the United States, mainly because he looks similar to the more familiar Doberman Pinscher dog breed that most Americans can more easily recognize. But that shouldn’t keep you, the well-informed dog “aficionado,” from understanding how great these guys are. After all, [...]

The Plott Hound could be your dog if you want a hunting dog. This dog specializes in big game, meaning large animals such as boars and bears, but it will hunt anything you are hunting. Now… If you aren’t a hunter or only hunt rarely but can satisfy this dog’s natural yearning to track and [...]

Now if you’re considering purchasing a Puli puppy or, better yet, adopting a Puli rescue dog, there’s one thing you need to know right away: you’re going to get a lot of folks asking you about your new unique-looking dog! Which is why… We wanted to take a moment and discuss this breed so that [...]

The Canary Islands are a set of Spanish Islands off the coast of Africa, just to the west of Morocco and the Western Sahara. It’s here that the Perro de Presa Canario dog originates. The name may be hard to remember if you’re not a Spanish speaker, but the dog will probably look familiar. You [...]

Are you looking for a mid-sized dog to join your family? Maybe a dog with a cheerleader personality? Then you’re going to want to consider a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen. Now there are a lot of good points about this pup, but like with any adoption, you should know all about the breed before committing. [...]

Do you want to add a strong, no-nonsense kind of dog to your family? If so, you might be thinking about a Pit Bull Terrier. And why not? After all, in the “right” hands, the American Pit Bull Terrier can make an excellent pet for just about any family. However… Due to this dog’s natural [...]

The Pugapoo Dog Breed is friendly, affectionate, and fun. These are Mixed-Breed Dogs or Designer Breed Dogs, developed from crossing the Pug with the Poodle. They bring happiness and joy wherever they go. The best thing about mixed or designer dog breeds is their differences. A designer dog is supposed to have the best of [...]

Osteochondrosis Dissecans is sometimes called OCD, but it’s not THAT type of OCD. This OCD is a medical condition that occurs in dogs and affects the affected pups’ knees, ankles, and spines. Osteochondritis happens because the cartilage inside your dog’s joints isn’t whole, and friction causes pain when your pet tries to move around. Now… [...]