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Suppose you’re already a fan of the Siamese cat breed. In that case, there is a perfect chance that you’ll like the Thai cat breed simply because these cats were “designed” to accentuate specific favorable characteristics of the Siamese cat breed. And while some Siamese purists might feel that you can’t improve upon perfection, we [...]

If you think the picture above doesn’t look like a “Pixie” or “fairy,” it seems much more like a wild Lynx; we here at IndulgeYourPet would agree. Some folks even theorize that the Pixiebob is ½ wildcat. And while we can’t provide any evidence that this is true, we can tell you that this cat [...]

OK, now we know that some of you out there feel like a cat without fur is just “weird,” but we need you to put all those feelings aside and look at how “cool” and elegant this cat is. Because if you do, we here at IndulgeYourPet have an extreme suspicion that you may become [...]

OK, now we’ve got to be honest with you: here at IndulgeYourPet, we find the name “Toyger” a bit silly and not nearly cool enough or POWERFUL enough to “capture” the essence of this cat. When you learn “why” these cats were created, you must start asking yourself… “Couldn’t they have come up with a better [...]

The Himalayan cat is one of those “types” of cats that when you look at them, you’re almost afraid to touch them because they look too pretty. It’s as though you don’t want to mess up their hair. That is, of course, if we’re talking about an adult Himalayan cat, in which case there is [...]

OK, now, if you’re from Cuba or have Cuban ancestry, we don’t want you to get too excited about the Havana Brown cat breed because, despite its name, these little guys aren’t from Cuba. This little guy is actually from England, of all places! But just because this little guy wasn’t once “Castro’s companion” doesn’t [...]

Exotic Shorthair cat breed

Now, it could just be us, but there is something a bit “unnerving” about having an Exotic Shorthair stare at you. There’s just something about their quiet stare that makes you think… “Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing?” And “Why is this cat just staring at me?” Now don’t get us wrong, [...]

Few can deny that seeing a “spotted cat” is certainly unusual. This is why so many folks are attracted to selectively few cat breeds with “spots.” Heck, even we here at IndulgeYourPet find them fascinating, which is why we wanted to take a moment and discuss the Egyptian Mau in this article so that you [...]

Suppose you’re looking for a “unique” looking cat that is easygoing and great around children. In that case, you will want to include the American Wirehair cat on your “short list” of options because these guys are a lot of fun to own and will be a great conversation starter for anyone meeting you and your [...]