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Peterbald Cat Breed… Everything You Need to Know at a Glance!

OK, now we know that some of you out there feel like a cat without fur is just “weird,” but we need you to put all those feelings aside and look at how “cool” and elegant this cat is. Because if you do, we here at IndulgeYourPet have an extreme suspicion that you may become the proud new owner of a Peterbald cat if you’re not careful.

This is why in this article…

We wanted to take a moment and discuss what it might be like to own one of these unique creatures so that if you’re ever allowed to get your hands on one, you’ll know right away if that’s a good or bad idea.

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Peterbald Cat Breed Fast Facts

Country of Origin:  Russia

Size:  Small to medium

Weight:  6 to 10 pounds

Eyes: Almond-shaped

Shape of Head:  Wedge-shaped

Lifespan:  12 to 15 years

Origin of the Peterbald Cat Breed

Although the Peterbald cat breed has somewhat of an “ancient” look, they are a relatively “new” cat breed that was only recently created in Russia in the latter part of the 1980s.

It was during this time that it was generally agreed upon that the first “Peterbald” kitten was created by cross-breeding a Donskoy cat breed with an Oriental shorthair in the city of Saint Petersburg, Russia. The result of this cross-breeding experiment became the Peterbald breed that we know and love today.

Physical Characteristics

The Peterbald is a Russian breed very different from other cats. These cats can have a coat that feels like a peach or be completely hairless. These cats have the hairlessness gene, which alters and diminishes their coats. A small to medium-sized cat has the same shape as the oriental shorthair cat; however, many of them will have “accentuated” angles to the head, which some might think adds to their “odd” appearance, but we here at IndulgeYourPet believe this makes them more handsome.

That said…

It’s pretty safe to say that even if you love the looks of the Peterbald cat breed, it can take some getting used to when touching and patting them because we’re so “programmed” to expect what a “normal” cat should feel like, but once you have got used to them, they are a very delightful cat.

Care and maintenance

Due to the fact the cats have no hair or lack of they will require special care and maintenance. Generally, folks who choose to adopt a Peterbald cat should strictly consider their new cat an indoor cat that will need heating in the colder months by uniquely designed clothing or a heating mat.

This cat breed should not be in the sunshine. They will burn quickly. Most hairless breeds will have no eyelashes, creating junk in the corner of their eyes. It would be best to wipe their eyes daily with a warm make-up pad or washer pad. Do not use any soap or baby wipes. These will sting the eyes and irritate them. Just clean, warm water works well.

Some cats can have…

Extra allergens in the corner of their eyes are easily removed using a saline solution from the vet or chemist. Ensure you use a clean pad or washer for each look, and discard after every use. If allergens and germs are in the cat’s eye, you can re-infect them by reusing the swabs.

Grooming Peterbald cats

Peterbald cats need to be kept clean by bathing at least once a month and then using special wipes for cats to wipe them down each day. If your cat is entirely bald, it will require more baths than those with a small amount of hair.

Be sure not to…

Overbooking your cat can lead to the cat’s skin drying out, causing irritation and sensitivity. All they require for their bath is clean, warm water; make sure no water goes into their ears, and do not scare them. Too many cats don’t like baths as it is. But be sure to keep an eye on their nail beds as well; they can build up with residue and cause problems. These types of cats are prone to blackheads on their tails, so keeping their seats clean by wiping them down daily is essential. If you start to see some blackheads on their tails a simple blackhead medication can be applied, but be sure to monitor for any signs of irritation.

Cats will fight…

When it comes to water, be sure to have everything there and ready, and it may help to have someone there to help hold the cat. You must wear wool gloves when bathing the cat as it helps to keep the shampoo and grip the cat so it is easier to maintain and wash. Please do not use the exfoliating gloves or anything similar as it is too harsh, causing discomfort to the cat’s delicate skin. A good coat with shampoo before putting it into the water can save time and pain for your cat.

Do a final rinse with warm, clean water at the end. Take care when drying them; wipe them down gently without harsh rubbing against the cat’s skin. It can help to trim their nails when bathing as they have soaked up the water and become soft.

Personality and Temperament

These cats are well suited for a family. They are intelligent and very affectionate, not to mention very playful. They’re also curious little creatures and always found out checking things. The cats will go to the front door to greet visitors and be happy to engage in some playtime, just like dogs do.

These cats are…

Happy to be in your lap for as long as you want them there. You will always find them sitting next to you during your morning tea and following you to hang the washing out. Most Peterbalds will be highly vocal and often talk back to you in their kitty talk if you converse with them. But they’re not troublemakers or bothersome. Although these cats don’t cause problems, they prefer to be alone. They can adapt to dogs, but it may take some time.

The Peterbald cats prefer…

To eat small meals during the day, leave a bowl out with some biscuits so they can pick at it when they want to. Cat treats tend to be full of salt, so if you feed your cat treats, limit them so they don’t get too much salt.

If you change food or feed them something they don’t like, they will not eat it and go hungry. This can be bad for the cat if they don’t eat for a certain period, so be sure if you put something down for the cat to eat and it’s still there a few hours later, take it away and put down something you know the cat likes.

Potential Health Concerns

The Peterbald cat breed is not prone to many health problems but can develop a condition called Feline Ectodermal Dysplasia. You need to ensure you purchase from a proper breeder to lower the risk of this condition. Feline ectodermal dysplasia can cause problems such as lactation problems and malformed teeth.

This condition has been…

They are thought to be connected to the dominant gene mutation that causes them to be hairless. And while it’s true that these diseases are not necessarily life-threatening, most, if not all, can become quite expensive to treat, particularly if they recur. This is why we here at IndulgeYourPet always advise any new pet owner to take a moment and see what it might cost to purchase a pet insurance policy for their new loved one. If they ever become sick or injured in the future, you won’t be on the “hook” for 100% of the cost of treatment.

For more information on who we “feel” currently offers some of the “best” pet insurance policies on the market, check out our Best Pet Insurance Companies article.

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