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Here’s a dog you may not be familiar with unless you’re from Norway, where these guys are the national dog.  A title that they have earned for excellent reason!  And one that hopefully we’ll be able to shed some light on after reading our article all about the Norwegian Elkhound Dog breed.  You see, the [...]

Perianal Fistula in dogs is a a condition that affects a dog in one of the most heart-wrenching ways; this is a term used to describe an infection of a dog’s anal glands.  Which causes the affected dog to suffer from itching, inflammation, and pain, particularly when they need to go “potty.”  And while this [...]

Perianal Adenoma in dogs presents as lumps around the rear end.  These lumps are benign tumors in male dogs that are still considered ‘intact males’… if you catch our drift.  You see, perianal tumors grow around the dog’s anal sac and are relatively harmless if inconvenient and unsightly. The dangerous part of this condition comes [...]

Perianal Adenocarcinoma in dogs is, thankfully, a relatively rare condition.  However, if your dog has it, they are in for a painful time. As hinted by the title, this type of cancerous tumor happens in the perianal region and affects your dog’s anal sac.  And as unpleasant as it may be, the good news is [...]

Patellar Luxation in Dogs is a Degenerative Joint Disease… It will progressively worsen over time, especially if left untreated.  This is why we wanted to take a moment and discuss the common condition which can affect so many of our pets.  This way, if you think that your pet may be suffering from this condition, [...]

It’s not all that difficult to see why so many folks have become fans of the Giant Schnauzer dog breed. After all, they are very impressive-looking dogs. Both big and strong, these guys can easily be picked out of a crowd for their long beards, thick eyebrows, and wide, woolly fur. But be warned… While [...]

OK, we won’t sugarcoat this one; having a dog diagnosed with ocular proptosis is rough!  It’s rough because we all love animals, and this disease looks horrible. Regardless of how soon one gets their dog to the vet, it will still be expensive. This is why… We wanted to take a moment and discuss precisely [...]

Remember the Vikings? The Vikings, the most fearsome warriors in history, went on expeditions that took them everywhere, including the New World. No matter where the Vikings went, they had one brave watchdog protecting them – the Norwegian Buhund.  Ironically though, the Buhund is not a big dog.  He hardly rises to a height of [...]

You might have heard your cat coughing and assumed it was just one of those gross furballs. When you weren’t left with that pleasant little treat, you might have even disregarded the whole episode until this little routine became more frequent, in which case you probably started to wonder… “Does my cat have the flu? [...]

Orijen Regional Red Dog Food Review: A Quick Look Looking for good dog food for your doggy friend is extremely important because good dog food can ensure your dog’s health and vitality. While many different dog foods are available on the market, not all are the best choice for your dog. So, you must do [...]