The Yorkipoo (sometimes spelled Yorki poo) is one of the designer dog breeds with a strange but cute name. It’s a mix between the Yorkshire Terrier and the Toy Poodle. Which means that he’s certainly going to be a sweetheart but because he’s also a “Terrier” he can also be a “bit” vociferous at times. So, if you’re “okay” with a bit of yapping, then you might be interested to know more about this dog and what to expect if you bring him into your family.
The last thing that we here at IndulgeYourPet want to see happen is for one of these quite little creatures end up in the wrong home simply because someone decided that the Yorkipoo puppy that they saw was simply too cute to pass up! This is why, we wanted to write this article so that if you’re currently considering making a Yorkipoo your own, you’ll know for sure if that’s going to be a good idea or not.
So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!
Yorkipoo Fast Facts
Country of Origin: Most likely America
Original Purpose: Companion animal
Height: 7 to 16 inches at shoulder
Weight: 3 to 15 pounds
Dog Breed Classification: “Hybrid” or “Designer” dog breed that is not currently recognized by the American Kennel Club
Lifespan: 10 to 15 years
Origin of the Yorkipoo Dog Breed
This breed of dog has come about after a long history of crossbreeding various types of dogs. However, in the last twenty years this has become quite popular and thus, the making of the Yorkipoo. Because of the newness of this, the traits and looks of a Yorkipoo can vary quite widely. Think of it like you and your siblings: you got the same DNA, but boy, are you different!
Physical Traits of a Yorkipoo
As mentioned, two Yorkipoos can look drastically different from one another. One may be a mere three pounds where another may be almost 15! The smaller ones are teacup dogs who probably were a Teacup poodle and Yorkie mix.
We should not that they can come in a variety of colors including: white, black and tan, black, brown, and grey. They’re likely to have wavy fur, but the length and texture can vary. Some have soft hair while others have wiry hair. One thing you can count on is that no matter how it looks, this is almost always a cute dog.
Personality of a Yorkipoo
Just like with looks, this can vary widely. Some things to count on is that they will probably be loud, bold and quite possibly a bit stubborn. That said, they’ll also be friendly and love people.
Training is key with these guys. Yorkipoo puppies do well when trained from 8 weeks on. If you don’t train a Yorkipoo puppy, things can go a lot differently. A lot of people try crate training. This technique involves keeping your Yorkipoo in a dog crate to utilize their natural tendencies as den animals. The dog starts to consider the crate as his “home” or personal space where he can feel safe.
Cost of a Yorkipoo
On average, this dog will cost you between $500-1500. The more expensive ones will have been bred by breeders with dog shows in mind. It might not sound like the nicest thing to say, but the cheaper dogs might have more health problems. That’s not to say that just because you spend $1000 or more your dog will be healthy, but if you have gone with a breeder recommended by a kennel club or organization then it’s a good rule of thumb.
The cost…
Of Yorkie puppies is on average, $1200-1500, so this hybrid breed can be a bit cheaper. Teacup poodles are usually $1500-3000. If you aren’t interested in dogs for sale, it’s quite possible to find a Yorkipoo rescue at a local shelter. There you will only have to pay comparatively minimal fees.
Health of a Yorkipoo
Yorkipoos are often quite healthy, but there are still certain health conditions that you should watch out for. Some of them are things you can look out for before you buy, while others are things that might crop up later on in life. As we already mentioned, finding a good breeder is key when looking for healthy yorkie-poo puppies.
Here are health problems that could affect your Yorkipoo dog, now or later:
- Epilepsy: Yes, dogs can have epileptic seizures and it can be scary. There are some medications (natural and chemical) that your dog could take to keep epileptic seizures under control, but it is not curable.
- Patellar Luxation: This is a problem of the knee that is very common among dogs. Your dog may need surgery to fix the problem so that he or she can walk properly.
- Thyroid Issues: Hyper and Hypothyroidism are both possible for Yorkipoo dogs. If your dog has either, he or she will likely have to take medication to regulate it.
These are just a few examples of health problems your Yorkie Poodle dog mix may face in his or her lifetime. Of course, other health problems such as cancer or contracted diseases are also possible. The question, now, is how will you prepare for a medical emergency when it comes to your dog?
And while…
Many of these conditions may not be life threatening, they can certainly become quite expensive to deal with particularly if they become recurring issues. This is why we here at IndulgeYourPet also recommend that any new pet owner take a moment and see what it might cost for you to purchase a pet insurance policy for your new animal.
Now will a pet insurance policy be right for everyone?
No, probably not. But until you fully understand what these policies “will” and “won’t” cover and how much these pet insurance policies cost, how will you know if one might be right for you?
For more information on who we feel currently offers the “best” pet insurance policies out there, we would encourage you to check out our Best Pet Insurance Policies article.
Hi There,
I’m having the toughest time finding a Yorkie poo!
I’m attaching several photos showing what I’m looking for.
Folded ears, tan muzzle and black coat. Male, not female.
The reason I’m seeking Yorkie poo is for allergy, but if you know of a similar breed of puppy that looks like that, has hair ( instead of fur), please let me know?
I live in Santa Barbara, California.
A little about me: I’m originally from Pasadena, Ca, but my family moved to San Luis Obispo, and I went to catholic high school there. I love psychology. I actually wanted to major in Psychology in college but ended up getting a degree in Economics and Business marketing, piano minor. Went to Humboldt State University. After college in 2004 I moved to Seal Beach and then 2007 moved to Santa Barbara, started my web marketing business….now have 300+ clients around the world and love what I do and can work from pretty much anywhere remotely.
I live a block from the pier, in Santa Barbara, California.
Just finished my living room make-over actually. My puppy will have a totally posh lifestyle, highest quality organic food, walks on the beach
I work from home so I’ll be able to spend more time with the puppy than others.
Below are several Q & A you might find helpful.
Q: Do you have any experience raising dogs?
A: Yes, I am from a Catholic family and we grew up with a Chesapeake bay retriever and a sheep dog
Q: Where do you live?
A: I live in Santa Barbara, CA. I live a block from the pier.
Q: What kind of a dog are you looking for?
A: I am looking for a MALE YORKIE POO
Q: What color are you looking for?
A: black with brown legs, brown muzzle, brown eye brows. I am sending you photos as examples to give you a better idea of what I am looking for. Brown muzzle = important to me.
Q: Are you paying cash?
A: Yes.
Q: How soon do you want the puppy?
A: If you find the right one, I would like it tomorrow.
Thank you for your help,
Taylor Rr.
cell: 805-xxx-xxxx (text or call anytime 24-7)