OK, we won’t deny it: Dog wrinkles are super cute. After all, some of the cutest dog breeds out there have them! Dog breeds such as the:
- Bloodhound,
- Bulldog,
- Pug,
- And the Shar-Pei dog breed.
But with all this cuteness comes the added responsibility to ensure that all these wrinkles and folds stay clean. And this is where we can run into trouble. Because it’s when a “wrinkle” isn’t kept clean, we can find ourselves as the proud owner of a dog diagnosed with fold dermatitis.
This is why, in this article, we wanted to take a moment and discuss precisely what fold dermatitis is and provide some insight into what it’s like to treat a dog that has been diagnosed with this condition. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!
What is Fold Dermatitis?
Skin fold dermatitis, aka pyoderma, is a skin irritation in the skin folds, such as facial folds (adorable pug!). Dogs with more wrinkles are more prone to skin fold dermatitis, but that doesn’t mean smoother-skinned dogs can’t get it as well because they can!
It is caused by…
a change in normal skin bacteria or a yeast buildup. This can happen due to a change in weather or some immune system impairment (like if the dog has another sickness). If your dog’s skin folds are constantly moist with sweat or otherwise, that can cause a change, too.
Clinical Signs & Symptoms of Skin Fold Dermatitis in Dogs
One of the first things you’ll notice if your dog develops skin fold dermatitis is that a lousy rash will appear in your dog’s skin folds. This rash may have white centers that look like pus about to pop! In addition to these abrasions, your dog may have signs such as:
- Crusty skin,
- Flaky patches,
- Dryness or rough skin,
- Hair loss (alopecia).
The places where these dermatitis outbreaks happen are usually referred to as “hot spots.” If your dog is scratching their ear incessantly, the diagnosis may differ. This is why your vet would be the best person to investigate the skin fold infection and the ear canal. Because, let’s face it, many things out there can cause your dog to develop a skin rash!
Diagnosis of Fold Dermatitis in dogs.
A veterinarian can typically identify pyoderma without doing any significant tests. They will probably start your pup on antibiotic therapy and wait for the results. This could be a topical antibiotic cream that will likely provide immediate relief on the pyoderma hot spots.
If this doesn’t clear up the problem, the vet will likely do blood tests to check for an underlying cause. Anything that messes with the chemicals in your dog’s body could change natural bacteria, thus causing pyoderma.
Underlying causes include:
- Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism,
- Hyperadrenocorticism (aka Cushing’s Disorder),
- Or allergies.
Your veterinarian may also look for other skin infections.
Is fold dermatitis contagious?
No. If you have more than one dog or you have a cat or cats, you don’t have to worry about the dog with the condition spreading it on to his friends (or enemies, if your pets don’t get along!). That said, whenever a pet is sick or facing an infection, they might like a little alone time from the rest of the gang. This will help your dog during the recovery phase. This is where we usually want to remind folks that we here at IndulgeYourPet are not doctors, veterinarians, or medical professionals. We are all passionate about animals and only want to see what’s best for them. For this reason, if you suspect your pet may be suffering from fold dermatitis (or any other health concern), do what we do and…
“When in doubt, have a vet check it out!”
Not only is getting your pet the professional care they need right away the right thing to do, but it can also be the most cost-practical!
Cost of Treatment
Fold dermatitis in dogs is relatively easy to diagnose and easy to treat. Unlike other sicknesses or illnesses, dermatitis isn’t likely to burn a massive hole in your pocket – but that’s not to say it will be cheap! Diagnosing and treating your puppy or dog suffering from dermatitis may cost you less than $200.
But what if your pup gets something more serious?
Phew! This time around, your dog’s condition isn’t going to break the bank…but what about next time? Your dog is prone to certain diseases and disorders if you have a purebred. Even if you have a “must,” they could get sick anytime.
How much will it cost then?
Did you know some common dog ailments cost $ 5,000+ to treat? That’s a lot to clunk down for your dog’s health. But you love your puppy. Instead of facing a moral dilemma as to whether to treat your pup or spare yourself frobreakingke, why not prepare for tomorrow? Sure, it’s the worst-case scenario – and we genuinely hope your dog lives a long, healthy life. But isn’t it always better to be prepared, especially when being prepared isn’t all that costly?
Now, will a pet insurance policy be “right” for everyone?
No, of course not, but until you know how much a pet insurance policy might cost, how will you know if it’s a good idea for you and your family? After all, pet health insurance can be as little as $10 a month. Trust us; if your pup needs a $ 5,000 surgery tomorrow, you’ll thank the lucky stars that you planned.
For more information on who we “feel” is currently offering the “best” pet insurance in the industry, we encourage you to check out our Best Pet Insurance Policy article.