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English Springer Spaniel Dog Breed… Everything That You Need to Know at a Glance!

If you’re in the market for a Springer Spaniel and don’t want to look like everyone else at the dog park, you may want to consider adopting an English Springer Spaniel.   Because if you do, you’ll get a dog with many of the same characteristics as his more “popular” cousins, only wrapped up in a “bigger” package!

But be warned…

Just because “spaniels” make great pets for many folks, this doesn’t mean a “spaniel” will be right for you. This is why we wanted to take a moment to discuss the Springer Spaniel in more detail so that if you’re considering getting one, you’ll have a better idea if that’s a good idea. After all, the last thing we here at IndulgeYourPet want to see is a “great” dog put into the wrong home. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!

English Springer Spaniel Dog Breed Fast Facts

Country of Origin:  England

Original Purpose:  Bird flushing and retrieving

Height:  18 to 21 inches

Weight:  40 to 55 pounds

Dog Breed Classification:  Sporting Group

Lifespan:  11 to 14 years

Origin of the English Springer Spaniel

While it is true that the English Springer Spaniel originated in England, it is also generally accepted that all “spaniel” breeds stem from original ancestors living in Spain. Presumably, these early “Spanish Spaniels” were exported worldwide via trading ships. In the case of the English Springer Spaniel, this must have happened a very long ago because these particular “spaniels” have been mentioned in “Welsh law” dating back nearly 1700 years. This gives us a clue about how “valued” these guys were back then.

You see…

Back then, before the advent of modern weaponry, these animals were often used to “flush out” game, allowing hunters more accessible access to either trap or kill animals that they were hunting, particularly birds. These skills remained valuable as man became more proficient hunters, and substance tracking slowly morphed into the sport, which is why these sturdy little dogs are stiltrendyar today. It’s also why they’re commonly called one of today’s “best” gundogs.

Now while…

“Springers” have been popular for 100’s of years throughout Englan; the specific English Springer Spaniel didn’t come into existence until the early 1800s when the Duke of Norfolk began to specifically target the traits and characteristics that now represent the breed we know and love.

Even though most folks have never heard of a “Norfolk Spaniel,” this is only because the name Norfolk was dropped back in the early 1900s when the name was changed to the English Springer Spaniel to represent the “country” where a spaniel was created rather than the “region” (which was common practice back in those days). Around this same time, the English Springer Spaniel leaped from the Atlantic. We immediaSpaniel leaked him; he was quickly recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1910.

Physical Characteristics

The English Springer Spaniel is a compactly built dog that stands with a proud carriage even though he’s a bit longer than he is tall. But what he lacks, even though he may not be all that tall, is that he does have pretty long legs with a deep body, which makes him “appear” a little bit “bigger” than he is. And even if his legs don’t fool you into thinking he is more significant than he is, once you wrap your arms around one of these guys, you’ll quickly realize that these guys are built tough!

This is why…

They seem to have endless energy and endurance packed into a very agile and compact little frame. It’s no wonder why generation after generation has chosen to make the thesincredibleme animals their own. Now, it’s fair to say that no discussion of the English Springer Spaniel can be complete without mentioning their beautiful medium-length outer co, which can be either flat or significantly supported by the dense and soft undercoat that will keep them warm in just about any weather!

And while…

Most English Springer Spaniels you’ll see are going to be either black and white or tan/brown and white; it’s important to note that they can also come in:

  • Black, white,e, and tan,
  • Liver, white and tan,
  • Liver and white,
  • Black and white,
  • And white and liver (whoa!).

Temperament and Personality

There are a couple of things you’ll want to know right away about the English Springer Spaniel. First, these guys are eager to please, quick to learn, friendly, and willing to obey. This is great because these dogs make for an excellent, easy-going family dog if trained and socialized right. But when these guys are adequately trained or left on their own for too long, they will find a way to keep their active bodies and minds busy. You may not always approve of courses like tearing apart your couch, eating your shoe, or seeing if they can dig a hole through your hardwood floors!

Now, they’re not…

They do this because they’re wrong or can’t be taught not to do it; they’re doing it because they’re bored and can’t think of anything else to do all day. This is where the responsible dog owner won’t have a problem owning an English Springer Spaniel because a responsible owner will have taught their Springer not to “act out” this way and will have given their Spaniel plenty of opportunities to run and play so they don’t have a ton of pent up energy!

You should also be aware that these dogs also make excellent watchdogs. However, they don’t always get along with cats, especially if they don’t grow up with a cat in the home.

Potential Health Concerns

Any time you decide to own a pet,t whether you realize it or not, you agree to be their caretaker in sickness and health. While all animals can become sick or injured during their life, choosing to adopt a pure breed can potentially increase your risks of owning a dog that could develop an inheritable disease common to their species.

Now, in the case of the English Springer Spaniel, there are a few medical conditions you should be aware of and discuss with your English Springer Spaniel to “minimize” your risk as much as possible.

Potential health risks to the English Springer Spaniel dog breed include:

And while some of these “conditions” may not be life-threatening, they can all be quite expensive if you need to pay for the total cost of treatment out of pocket.

This is why…

We here at IndulgeYourPet always advise any new pet owner to take a moment and see what it might cost to purchase a pet insurance policy for their new loved one. If they ever become sick or injured in the future, you won’t be on the “hook” for 100% of the cost of treatment.

For more information on who we “feel” currently offers some of the “best” pet insurance policies on the market, be sure to check the Top 10 Best Pet Insurance Companies article.

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