It’s difficult to deny that the English Foxhound is a handsome-looking dog. One that you can imagine running through the countryside or standing chest deep in the water chasing down anything and everything that he can get a whiff of, but does that mean he’s going to be the right dog for you?
But what if you don’t live in the country? What if all you can offer an English Foxhound puppy is a spacious two-bedroom apartment with a daily visit to the local dog park? Will this still be a good dog breed for you?

Questions like these…
We wanted to take a moment and discuss what it might be like to own an English Foxhound so that if you ever get a chance to purchase or adopt one, you won’t be setting yourself up for failure if you and your dog’s lifestyle don’t match! So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.
English Foxhound Dog Breed Fast Facts
Country of Origin: Great Britain
Original Purpose: Trailing Fox
Height: 23 to 27 inches tall
Weight: 55 to 75 pounds
Dog Breed Classification: Hound Group
Lifespan: 10 to 13 years
English Foxhound Dog Breed Origin
The English Foxhound is a dog breed that dates back to the mid-1700s when wealthy Englishmen found it “sporting” to hunt foxes by horseback. Now, to find and track the foxes, hunters would utilize dogs to seek out the “scent” of a fox and lead the hunting party to the chase, which is not an easy task!
This is why…
These dogs were created because they have a great sense of smell and incredible stamina, allowing them to run nearly nonstop for hours! Not to mention the fact that they look great doing it as well! This is why, over time, the English Foxhound slowly began to replace other dogs with similar abilities simply because “esthetically,” these dogs with their very uniform coat patterns look much better running as a “mob” together than do many of their “mixed” patterned competition.
It is believed…
These dogs are a mix of three different dog breeds, including:
- Staghounds,
- Bloodhounds,
- And Greyhounds,
They were making these guys somewhat of a “hybrid” between “sighthounds” and “scent hounds.” These guys were also some of the earliest American colonists, making their “cross-Atlantic” voyage during the late 17th century, which is probably why they were one of the earliest dog breeds to be “officially” recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1909.
Notable English Foxhound owners include George Washington, which, if you ask us here at IndulgeYourPet…. Ain’t too shabby!
Physical Characteristics
The best way to describe an English Foxhound is to call him “handsome simply.” This isn’t a word we use to describe a lot of dogs, but let’s face it, these guys have a really “clean” look about them that makes them look like they are “dressed” just right for any occasion!
As a medium-sized dog…
The English Foxhound stands about 25 inches tall and typically weighs around 55 to 75 pounds. While they can come in various color combinations, most usually have the “classic” tan body with white color points highlighted by a black saddle pattern over the middle of their back.
Their fur will also be surprisingly waterproof and very soft, shiny, and dense. Their coats are also notoriously easy to manage and maintain, which is nice to know as you watch them get into all sorts of messes while running amuck!
Another feature that…
Their straight muscular legs, strong back, and deep chest make identifying an English Foxhound easier to remember, making them look like they are “leaning forward” even at a complete standstill.
Personality and Temperament
It’s pretty safe to say that if these dogs weren’t team players, they wouldn’t have become the dogs of choice for Great Britain’s wealthy elite. Because even though these guys have incredible tracking ability and unlimited stamina, there are probably 4 or 5 other dog breeds that could make very similar claims, all of which were readily available to 17th-century athletes. So that, if you decide to purchase or adopt an English Foxhound, she or she will be a faithful companion who can get along with you and your children and any pets you may have in the household.
The problem is…
These guys are SUPER bright and require a ton of energy. And when they don’t get enough, they can tend to be rather destructive. Combined with their stubborn streak, that can make these guys a “bit” challenging for the first-time dog owner. This is probably why, even though having for them, the English Foxhound has never really been popular in America as a household pet but remains a perennial favorite for those who still participate in organized hunts.
Potential Health Concerns
It would be best if you were always prepared when you purchase a purebred dog because they’ll often experience a higher risk of developing specific hereditary diseases than “non-purebred” dogs. The good news is that that isn’t the case when it comes to the English Foxhound. The English Foxhound is quite a healthy breed. And while some develop hip dysplasia as they age, the risk of developing this condition is relatively small!
This is why…
Probably the most significant risk to your English Foxhound’s health is the possibility of suffering from an injury, and that is why we here at IndulgeYourPet always recommend any English Foxhound owner take a moment and consider purchasing a pet insurance policy on their new puppy.
For more information on who we “feel” currently offers the “best” pet insurance policies, we encourage you to check out our Top 10 Best Pet Insurance Companies article.
I have an American Foxhound who fits this description Perfectly! All I can say is that though this breed may be a lot to handle at first, they settle in well and you will learn to love them to death!