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This infamous issue doesn’t just hurt us – it also affects our poor little pups! This is why we wanted to take a moment and discuss precisely what Hypothyroidism is and hopefully shed some light on what it would be like to own a dog that is suffering from this condition. After all, because our [...]

Whenever you have a beloved pet that gets sick or injured, you know that just about everything else in your life will come to a “standstill.” This is because, for most of us, once we know that our dog or cat isn’t 100% healthy, it’s tough to focus on anything else! And what can make… [...]

Hydrocephalus in dogs is a condition that occurs when cerebrospinal fluid (CBF) leaks from the dog’s (or cat’s) brain into the outer skull, causing unruly pressure and possible brain damage in the long term for your loved one. This unfortunate condition is characterized by head swelling and seizures, among a few other terrible symptoms, which [...]

One of the most frustrating and heart-breaking conditions a dog or cat can suffer is having a “hot spot.” This is why we wanted to take a moment and discuss exactly what a “hot spot” is, as well as review some standard treatment options that you may want to explore to help alleviate your pet’s [...]

Horner’s Syndrome is one of those medical conditions that your “average Joe” probably isn’t going to know all that much about simply because it’s a pretty rare condition. This is a bit ironic because one of the leading causes of Horner’s Syndrome in dogs is the “banging” of the head or neck trauma, and as [...]

While we’re probably sure that most folks have no idea what the medical condition known as sacrocaudal dysgenesis is, we’re even more confident that if you don’t own a “tailless dog,” there is probably zero chance of you knowing what this medical condition is. And why should you… After all, Sacrocaudal Dysgenisis is a medical [...]

While pyloric Stenosis is a condition that can affect cats, it is far more common in dogs so we will focus our discussion on our canine friends.  That said, however, much of the information discussed below will be equally applicable to our feline friends, so if you feel that your cat may be suffering from [...]

Muscular dystrophy in dogs isn’t that common, but if your dog gets the disease, there is a lot you need to know. The first is that it’s not easy to live with – for you or your dog – but it can be much smoother with the proper care and treatment. This is why we [...]

Like myasthenia gravis in humans, canine myasthenia gravis is a rare neuromuscular disease that causes muscle weakness and mobility problems in dogs. But just because it’s “rare” doesn’t mean that if your dog has it, you’re any less affected by the harmful effects that it can have on you and your dog’s life. If you [...]

My Dog Won’t Share!.. Resource Guarding in Dogs.

Resource Guarding in Dogs is relatively common, particularly among dogs who have grown up with many other pets in the family. They may be used to guard their food simply because it was the only way to get anything to eat in the past.  On the other hand, this is a genuine medical condition that [...]