Say hello to this gentle giant! To put it bluntly, the Newfoundland Dog is a magnificent beast. He is a large, heavy dog who exudes a sense of strength and greatness that few other dog breeds can match! Then throw in the fact that these guys are also courageous and brilliant, and before you know [...]

He is a natural-born hunter! Saluki Dog Breed does not fool around. This is a ruthless hunting dog that is, of course, if you are the “target” of their attention or isn’t’ considered one of his pack. Like many other sighthound breeds, you see, these guys were once basically a wolf that was domesticated thousands [...]

The German Pinscher is one of those “kinds” of dogs that once someone hears their name, they automatically think they “know” what they are, but in truth, they’re probably thinking about a different “kind” of dog. After all, these guys are commonly mistaken for a vast number of other dog breeds, such as the: Doberman [...]

To be fair, he may not the best-looking dog in the world. Some folks might even be inclined to call one of these magnificent creatures ugly! But in our opinion, that’s just because they’ve never actually had the pleasure of meeting a Neapolitan Mastiff, or they simply have no taste if you ask us! That [...]

The Gentle Giant The Saint Bernard Dog Breed is BIG! This dog stands up to a height of 27.5 inches at the shoulder level and weighs 180 pounds. And yet there is no menace or threat about them – these are remarkably gentle dogs, incredibly docile around children. Indeed… Every dog owner has a story [...]

The Miniature Schnauzer Dog is hard to miss with his large mustache and bushy beard, which covers most of his face. And while these guys may look like tiny little “toy” dogs, the truth is, these guys are quite stocky little athletes. Little athletes who are pretty relaxed and happy in human company. This is [...]

If you’re a Star Wars fan, you might be reminded of the line where Princess Leah asks…. “Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?” In this case, you won’t want to get him out of the way; you will be much more inclined to ask… “Can I pet him?” While Briard’s [...]

The Miniature Pinscher, or Reh Pinscher, as he is called in Germany, is a fearless little dog. And while he may only be about 12 inches tall but is no less tenacious than much bigger dogs. This is why it’s fair to say that the Min Pins are not necessarily going to be the easiest [...]

Say hello to the Miniature Bull Terrier, one of the most energetic, spunky little dogs you’ll ever see. He is funny, cheerful, and always seems up to something, which is why these little guys can make great family pets. And while he may be small, he is just as “bull-headed” as the Bull Terrier. So, [...]