The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, or Toller, as he is also called, is undoubtedly a good-looking dog breed. But we’ve got to tell you, these guys are much more than a “pretty face” because, on top of their good looks, they’re also quite intelligent! This makes them relatively easy to train even though they [...]

The Little Black Devil (LBD) That’s what they call the Schipperke Dog Breed. This little guy from Belgium gets a bad rep because he is so clever and independent-minded, or to put it another way, this little guy is not an easy dog to control, especially if you are a new dog owner. He is [...]

Faithful and friendly… that’s the Norwich Terrier Dog. This is one of the reasons why we here at IndulgeYourPet love these little guys. But because we love these little guys doesn’t mean they will automatically be “right” for you. For this reason… We wanted to take a moment and talk about the Norwich Terrier dog [...]

They call him the Teddy Bear Dog! You can see why – the Schnoodle is one of the most adorable little dogs you will see. He is an intelligent dog, alert, and a bit of a joker. You can’t help laughing at some things he does, even when you’re in a bad mood. He is [...]

One of the Largest Dog Breeds! There are large breeds, and there are large breeds. But few like this gentle giant: the Scottish Deerhound. Look at this enormous sighthound, almost as big as the Great Dane, if not bigger. But beyond all that, there is something noble and heroic about the Deerhound – much like [...]

Now, here’s an unusual dog, especially considering that they don’t appear all that strange at first glance. But don’t let these words give you the wrong impression because here at IndulgeYourPet, we love the “unusual” and are particularly fond of the “odd”! So, let’ us explain… The Norwegian Lundehund is one of the strongest dogs [...]

Here’s a dog you may not be familiar with unless you’re from Norway, where these guys are the national dog. A title that they have earned for excellent reason! And one that hopefully we’ll be able to shed some light on after reading our article all about the Norwegian Elkhound Dog breed. You see, the [...]

It’s not all that difficult to see why so many folks have become fans of the Giant Schnauzer dog breed. After all, they are very impressive-looking dogs. Both big and strong, these guys can easily be picked out of a crowd for their long beards, thick eyebrows, and wide, woolly fur. But be warned… While [...]

Remember the Vikings? The Vikings, the most fearsome warriors in history, went on expeditions that took them everywhere, including the New World. No matter where the Vikings went, they had one brave watchdog protecting them – the Norwegian Buhund. Ironically though, the Buhund is not a big dog. He hardly rises to a height of [...]