Okay, let’s be honest here. The Otterhound Dog will probably not be considered the most attractive dog breed in the world. Although, one might argue that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Because while one might not use the word “beautiful” to describe them, we here at IndulgeYourPet, could certainly imagine one using [...]

If you ask us here at IndulgeYourPet, we believe the Old English Sheepdog (OES) is the friendliest dog breed. And sure, there will be those out there that may want to argue with us about this, but it’s tough to say that they’re not super friendly, and then when you combine this undeniable truth with [...]

Have you never heard of a Sloughi dog before? Well, that’s alright, you’re not alone there, because they’re not all that well known. They’re pretty hard to find! This is why we wanted to take a moment and discuss this unique breed so that if you ever get a chance to own one, you’ll know [...]

From one of the most beautiful terrains in the world, it’s no wonder the Tibetan Spaniel is such a cutie. But like the prayer wheels of Tibet, they may be nice to look at or even use, but they are not always something you can keep at home. This is why… We wanted to take [...]

He is like a supermodel among dogs. We say this because we here at IndulgeYourPet feel that the Papillon Dog is one of the best-looking or at least cutest-looking dog breeds out there! But this is more than a pretty face with unique looking ears! He’s also a brilliant dog, brilliant and sometimes naughty. It’s [...]

The Scottish Terrier Dog Breed, or the Scottie as he is called, is undoubtedly an attractive-looking dog with his bearded face, upright tail, thick black coat, almond-shaped eyes, and funny expression on his face. He is just an adorable little dog… Puppies are in fashion these days, and it’s no surprise that the Scottish Terrier [...]

Have you ever seen Welsh Springer Spaniel Puppies sleeping together? If so, you might have wanted to scoop them up and take them home. We admit the Welsh Springer Spaniel dog breed is an excellent choice for some…but like all dog breeds, they’re not suitable for everyone. Before you dive into a lifelong role as [...]

You may not know this, but the “English” Cocker Spaniel is a different dog breed than the “traditional” Cocker Spaniel that most Americans know. And while they are both great dogs, you should see the difference between them, particularly if you’re considering purchasing or adopting one. This is why… In this article, we wanted to [...]

Are you looking for an exceptionally handsome and graceful dog? Then the Vizsla dog breed is probably on your list to consider (and if it’s not, it should be!). You see, besides being very adaptable, smooth, and adequately friendly with humans of all sizes, these guys are also brilliant, making them a true joy to own. [...]