If you’re looking for a BIG dog that will make an impression on just about everyone they meet, then you’ll want to take a closer look at the Borzoi dog breed. Heck, even Borzoi puppies are big! But be warned… These magnificent creatures aren’t for everyone; it’s safe to say that they aren’t always the [...]

In every one of our dog breed articles, we genuinely try to find some pros and cons for choosing a particular dog so that if one of our readers is thinking about adopting that specific dog, they can get a better idea of what it might be like to own that particular dog. This way, [...]

Whenever you find yourself doing a bit of research about a dog, and you suddenly discover that that particular dog has traveled across three different continents and that in each, he became extremely popular, you can bet you’re researching a pretty awesome dog breed. And this is precisely what we have with the Australian Shepherd [...]

You have to figure that if Hollywood decides to dedicate an entire TV show to just how great a particular dog can be (Lassie), chances are, the breed of dog has got to be pretty fantastic! And the truth is if you are thinking about adding a “medium-sized dog to your family, you’d be hard-pressed [...]

If you are looking for a “high” energy, fun dog that won’t only be an excellent guard dog but also a good dog you can have around your kids, chances are, you’ll want to take a good hard look at the Boxer Breed. However, despite the Boxer being a great “family” dog, he may not [...]

The Bulldog is one of those breeds where just about everyone loves them (including us here at IndulgeYourPet), but only a few will decide to adopt one. This is probably a good thing because while Bulldogs are fantastic animals, they’re certainly not going to be the “right” dog for everyone. And the last thing we [...]

Yep, that’s right, dogs can suffer from diabetes too! This is why it’s essential to ensure everyone in the household eats a healthy diet, including our four-legged family members. This is also why we wanted to take a moment and discuss exactly what “diabetes” looks like when it affects our pets and discuss some of [...]

Okay, get ready because we’re about to talk about one of our all-time favorite dogs in the world, so please understand that while we’re going to try and be as “objective” as possible, chances are we’re going to fail miserably! Because the truth is, these dogs are fantastic! And provided you know what you’re in [...]

Okay, before you read this article, look at the picture of the Belgian Tervuren. Look very closely. Isn’t he such a marvelous-looking creature? We here at IndulgeYourPet certainly think so! But being a handsome devil is only a tiny part of why this particular dog, among all the world’s dog breeds, has been as popular [...]

The Belgian Sheepdog, or Groenendael, is perhaps the most well-known of all Belgian Shepherd dogs, and we’re pretty sure that his looks have much to do with that. After all, it’s hard to deny that the Belgian Shepherd dog has a majestic, royal look about him, almost like a miniature black lion. You can’t help [...]