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You may be surprised to learn that even if you’ve never heard of anyone referring to their dog as an “Aussiedoodle,” there’s probably a good chance you’ve seen one; you just weren’t aware. This is because over the past 10 to 20 years, this “designer dog” or “hybrid dog breed” has grown in popularity. This [...]

Bullmastiff… Your Guide to the Best Care for your Dog

bullmastiff dog breed

Are you considering adopting a Bullmastiff?  If so, chances are, you’re about to adopt a great pet that will be an excellent guard dog and a loyal and friendly companion for life. That said, however… You’ll want to know a few things about the Bullmastiff breed before you decide so that six months from now, [...]

Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog… Your Guide to Best Care.

If you’ve never heard of an Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, don’t fret; many people haven’t.  When folks think about a “bulldog,” they usually think about one of the more popular breeds, such as the English Bulldog or the now very popular French Bulldog. But don’t let that… Stop you from learning more about the Alapaha [...]

Alaskan Husky: Your Guide to Best Care.

Have you always wanted to adopt an Alaskan husky?  If so, you may be surprised that the “dog” you want isn’t actually an Alaskan husky! This is because… Alaskan huskies have many other dog breeds that are very similar in appearance.  At first glance, different dog breeds, such as the Alaskan Malamute, the Alaskan Klee [...]

If there were ever a dog that got a bad rap in life, it would, without a doubt, be the American Staffordshire Terrier.  You see, the American Staffordshire Terrier (and sometimes its British cousin, the Staffordshire Terrier) are often indiscriminately labeled as a “Pit Bull Terrier,” which we all know has a very negative reputation. [...]

American Foxhound… Your Guide to Best Care.

Suppose you’re considering adding an American Foxhound to your family (and who wouldn’t be). In that case, we’d encourage you to take a moment and read the following article that will attempt to shed some light on this particular dog breed and help you determine if an American Foxhound is going to be a good [...]

Akita Dog Breed… Your Guide to Best Care.

The Akita dog is a truly remarkable creature! Native to the Far East, this Japanese dog holds the prestigious title of being a Japanese National Treasure. That’s correct; in 1931 the government bestowed the Japanese Akita as a National Monument. You may have even heard of the famous Hachiko, an Akita in Japan who gained [...]

Airedale Terrier… Your Guide to Best Care.

Airedale Terrier Dog Breed

Are you considering purchasing an Airedale Terrier puppy or, even better, adopting an adult Airedale Terrier dog? If so, we at IndulgeYourPet believe you will find the following article interesting. In this piece, we will explore the pros and cons associated with owning an Airedale Terrier. Our goal is to assist prospective owners in determining [...]