Now, for most folks who aren’t necessarily all that familiar with the Doberman Pinscher dog breed, it may be a surprise to learn that these dogs are really “sweet” animals to own. And even though they may look a “bit” intimidating, they’re quite playful and friendly, not to mention SUPER bright. Which is a bit [...]

OK, so if you’re over the age of 30 or, say, 35, it’s probably impossible for someone to say the word “dingo” without you immediately thinking… “The Dingo ate my baby!” Or perhaps that’s just our demented minds at work here at IndulgYourPet. Either way, there is a great Seinfeld episode where Elaine can’t stop [...]

With over 200 unique dog breeds, finding the “right” one for you can often be challenging! The good news is that if you know that you only want to get a “retriever,” you can narrow your search significantly, but sometimes, this can make your decision even more complicated because there are many great “types” of [...]

Ever since Ed O’Neill’s character Jay Pritchett decided to adopt a French Bulldog on the hit comedy series Modern Family, it seems like just about everywhere you go, someone is walking around with one of these cute little buggers! But that doesn’t necessarily mean a “Frenchie” will be right for you! This is why, in [...]

OK, now we need to warn you that if you’ve never heard anything about the Dandie Dinmont Terrier and all the information you have to go about this little guy, chances are, what you’re thinking isn’t even close. This is because even though this guy is petite and called “Dandie,” these little guys are tough! [...]

We here at IndulgeYourPet would be willing to bet that if you asked 100 people on the street what a Dalmatian dog looked like, at least 95% of them would tell you… “They’re the ones with spots… Duh!” And they would be correct, but how many of those folks would also know where the Dalmatian [...]

If you’re considering purchasing or adopting an Affenpincher, you’ll find the following article interesting. Interesting because in this article, we’re going to discuss some of the PROS and CONS of owning such a cute little dog as well as try and shed some light on the origins of the breed as well. Affehpinscher Fast Facts [...]

Are you looking for a new pet and considering adding a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon to your family? If so, that could be a great choice! However, like when forming human relationships, the key to success is compatibility. Will you and a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon be soulmates or frazzled foes? We’re here to tell you everything [...]

He hails from the Land of Oz! The Silky Terrier, more commonly known as the Australian Silky Terrier, is often associated with what psychologists refer to as the Napoleon Complex. The Napoleon Complex, as defined by Wikipedia, is “a theorized complex occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social [...]

Afghan Hounds are a truly unique breed of dogs. Once you’ve laid eyes on one, its unforgettable appearance will stay with you forever. After all, let’s be honest; they are undeniably magnificent! With their tall stature and long, silky coat, it’s hard to think of another breed that exudes such elegance. However, it’s important to [...]