The Cava…WHAT? The CavaPom, and before you start shaking your head about all of these “Hybrid” dog mixes, hear us out because the CavaPom is a “designer” dog that has been created for all the right reasons! Anyone who truly loves dogs and immerses themselves in the “dog industry” will know we have a significantly [...]

If you love “terriers,” there’s no reason you wouldn’t love owning a Cesky Terrier or Bohemian Terrier. However, if you’re not “super” familiar with what it’s like to possess a terrier, you will want to keep reading our article all about the Cesky Terrier. Because in… In this article, we will attempt to discuss all [...]

Now if you didn’t grow up in the South or haven’t visited Louisiana specifically, we’ll forgive you for not being familiar with this spectacular dog. That said, however, now that you’ve found this page, you can no longer be excused for not knowing about and appreciating how “awesome” the Catahoula hound is! So, without further [...]

The American Water Spaniel is a dark chocolate pup that will probably melt your heart in a way you didn’t know possible. A hunter, swimmer, and retriever, this dog is not only instrumental in a wide variety of situations, but he’s also a great companion and family pet! But is an American Water Spaniel the [...]

You’ve got to be having a pretty lousy day if even the site of a Cardigan Welsh Corgi can’t put a smile on your face! This is why it’s no surprise that this little lovable guy has gone from being a very productive member of the family to now a highly desirable companion and “show [...]

Here at IndulgeYourPet, we’re not going to blame if you’ve never heard of or know anything about the American Staghound. After all, there a relatively new “type” of dog and is not currently recognized by the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club either! Which is why… We wanted to take a moment and [...]

Chiari malformations or Chairi-like malformations is a term used to describe a variety of neurological disorders or symptoms that are caused when the hollow portion of the occipital bone known as the posterior fossa does not develop properly. Parts of the skull that create the craniocervical junction may also be affected due to this condition, [...]

You’ve got to figure that if a dog (or any animal for that matter) originates from a place like Alaska, it’s going to be a pretty “tough” animal. After all, surviving, not to mention thriving, in an environment as challenging as Alaska is no easy task! This is just one reason, why we here at [...]

Like many other “working class” dogs, an Akbash can be an outstanding addition to any family provided their owners are committed to their obedience training early on and know what it will take to make their Akbash truly happy throughout their life. This is why we here at IndulgeYourPet wanted to take a moment and [...]