Are you trying to decide what kind of toy dog breed you’d like to adopt? Not sure which breed is the healthiest? Before you make any decisions, we here at IndulgeYourPet would encourage you to look at the Maltipoo! This is because this cute little guy is a part of a growing trend right now [...]

Nowadays, it’s easy to find a reason to get upset with the world or make up an excuse to stay in bed all day, but we can tell you one thing: if you’re fortunate enough to have a Maltese in your life, chances are they are going to put a smile on your face every [...]

If you’re unfamiliar with a Lurcher dog, don’t worry; not all that many people are. But for those who do know, it’s probably because they love hunting! You see, the Lurcher is a natural-born hunter. A natural born hunter “designed” by man to combine some of the “best” hunting skills and attributes of two great [...]

Tibet is said to be one of the most beautiful places in the world, so it’s no wonder that the Tibetan Mastiff is such a cutie. And while this dog looks like a living teddy bear, i.e., is one ball of fluff. We should remember that he didn’t earn the name Mastiff for anything! Because… [...]

They call him the “Little Lion” in Germany, and there is a good reason for that because, while the Löwchen is only 10 to 13 inches tall at the shoulder level and weighs barely 15 pounds, he no doubt has the heart of a lion. ,These little guys think they are much bigger than they [...]

If you’ve either never heard of a “Longdog” before or if your first instinct is to think of a Dachshund or “wiener dog” when someone mentions the name “Longdog,” don’t fret because you’re not alone. Many folks initially think of this when they hear the word “Longdog.” This is why we wanted to take a [...]

Not every day you meet a dog from eastern Thailand, but if you do, it might be the Thai Ridgeback. Reasonably new to America, this fantastic watchdog is alert and ready for an adventure like hunting a wild boar! And while this might not sound like an ideal pet for some, others have learned just [...]

The Lhasapoo is one of the cutest dogs out there. He is, after all, a cross between a Miniature Poodle and the popular Tibetan breed, Lhasa Apso, so why wouldn’t he be… right? But be warned… The Lhasapoo is an amiable and affectionate creature. If you happen to find yourself in a room with a [...]

“Most Dogs Have Owners…. Lhasa Apso Has a Staff….” Hilarious as it sounds, most Lhasa Apso dog owners will tell you it’s true. But that’s not because they’re complaining; it’s just because that’s how it is! But, when you look this cute, you can get away with murder, which is why even though the Lhasa [...]

The Portuguese Podengo is a hound dog through and through! If you adopt one of these incredible animals, you should expect them to be constantly alert, playful indicative of their ancient lineage. You see. The Portuguese Pondego is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, which is why it shouldn’t surprise anyone who [...]